Testosterone Propionate (TP-100, TP-200)

HEPIUS Generic China


Testosterone Propionate is a fast acting testosterone ester used for bodybuilding and TRT

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Propionate is a fast-acting testosterone ester, present in products such as Testoviron®.

Testosterone propionate has the ability to produce impressive gains in the early stages of a cycle.

Although it kicks in fast, it’s not the most rapid form of testosterone, with suspension being superior in this regard.

As propionate is absorbed quickly, frequent injections are required to maintain peak testosterone levels. It is thus recommended to be injected every other day.

Testosterone propionate injections can be painful for many users, regularly leaving them feeling sore or even having to limp (after injecting in the leg).

One myth about Testosterone propionate is that it’s cheap. This is because the price for a bottle is typically lower than other testosterone products. However, propionate is dosed at 100mg/ml, whereas other test esters such as cypionate or enanthate, are dosed at 250mg/ml.

Thus, if propionate is priced at $50 and enanthate at $100; propionate can work out 50% more expensive.

Test Prop Benefits

The general benefits of testosterone propionate are typically the same as cycling any other testosterone ester.

Thus, users can experience roughly 20lbs of lean muscle (combined with some fat loss), when taking testosterone for the first time.

Strength will also go up dramatically in the first few weeks, then slowly continue increasing until the end of your cycle.

The main difference with propionate is that results occur in the earlier stages of a cycle, compared to slower esters (such as enanthate or cypionate); taking more time to kick in.

However, the end result will be the same no matter what testosterone ester you take; as they are all essentially the same steroid (they just peak at different times).
Test Prop Side Effects

The usual side effects associated with testosterone also apply with propionate, such as:

High cholesterol
Increased blood pressure
Risk of gynecomastia
Oily skin or/and acne
Hair loss
Testosterone suppression

LDL cholesterol levels rising and HDL levels falling is typical when taking any steroid, however it’s worth noting that testosterone is one of least harmful steroids for negatively affecting cholesterol. Thus, blood pressure will rise, however if moderate dosages are taken for reasonable lengths of time — this is often manageable.

Bodybuilders can also supplement with fish oil to control BP, taking 4 grams per day throughout a cycle.

Testosterone is estrogenic, thus water retention, bloating or/and gynecomastia are all possible.

Despite testosterone causing some fat loss (due to its androgenic nature stimulating lipolysis); it is mainly used when bulking. Thus, many users do not mind a temporary ‘smooth’, watery look.

A SERM (such as nolvadex) may be taken to reduce the risk of gynecomastia. AI’s (anti-aromatase inhibitors) are not recommended as blocking estrogen can worsen cholesterol and blood pressure; due to the female hormone having a positive effect on HDL cholesterol.

Oily skin and acne are possible for some users, which is the result of testosterone’s strong androgenic properties (causing increased sebum production).

Hair thinning on the scalp, or recession is possible due to elevated DHT levels.

Post-cycle, when DHT drops, hair on the scalp may become thicker again; however reverse effect is unlikely in regular, long-term steroid-users.

It seems ironic that by taking testosterone, your natural testosterone crashes. However, this is the reality (as is the case with all anabolic steroids. This occurs due to the body detecting exogenous testosterone; with total levels rising excessively high, the body halts natural production (to try and maintain homeostasis).

Thus, after a cycle ends users are left with shut down endogenous testosterone, needing a PCT to help resurrect testosterone back to adequate levels. An effective PCT can usually restore hormone function in approximately 4 weeks. Without a PCT, low testosterone levels can persist for several months.
Testosterone Propionate Cycle

Testosterone propionate comes in bottles dosed at 1ml/100mg.
Beginner Cycle

100mg every other day, for 8 weeks.

Note: Testosterone propionate generally isn’t advised for beginners, due to painful injections (and having to be administered frequently).
Intermediate Cycle

150mg every other day, for 8 weeks.
Advanced Cycle

200mg every other day, for 8-10 weeks.
Other supplements:

Fish oil (4g/day)
Nolvadex (20-40mg day)

Note: Intermediates and advanced steroid-users may want to stack testosterone propionate with other compounds for maximum results, however this isn’t recommended for beginners (due to additional side effects).

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1 vial 10 ml 100mg/ml Total 1000mg, 1 vial 10ml 200mg/ml Total 2000 mg



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