Masteron Propionate (Drostanolone Propionate)

Baboon-Pharma Generic China


Drostanolone Propionate is an injectable steroid for bulking and cutting cycles

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Drostanolone Propionate is classified as a DHT, and it comes from an anabolic steroid. The structure has been altered due to the additional of a methyl group. As a result, the hormone doesn’t breakdown. The hormone remains anabolic and the structure allows hormones to be time released in the body.


Drostanolone Propionate is one of the few anabolic steroids offering high properties to fight estrogenic factors. It can help to fight the estrogenic effects from other compounds in a stack too. This is why it was such a huge success fighting breast cancer long ago. It was a better option for women who weren’t good candidates for chemotherapy or surgery.

Bodybuilders love being able to rely on Drostanolone Propionate to fight estrogenic factors as they go through a cycle. It is often used in a cutting cycle so it can also help to provide additional hardening. The low anabolic and androgenic elements can be misleading though so you need to see the big picture. DHT is actually 5 times more androgenic than what you will get with testosterone. It can create fat loss and a harder physical appearance. At the same time, it can help to increase strength. Not all athletes are looking to increase their muscle mass.


The most efficient way to benefit from Drostanolone Propionate is to add it to a cutting cycle. However, best results are seen on those who are very lean. This is why it should be used at the end of a cycle to help with prepping for a contest. Adding Drostanolone Propionate can help a bodybuilder to cut the last amounts of fat that seem to linger and be hard to get rid of with diet and workouts alone.

It will also make the physical appearance to be as great as possible. The anti-estrogenic will help the body to look natural and defined overall. However, if a person has too much fat and they aren’t in shape to compete in a bodybuilding competition, the effects from Drostanolone Propionate can be less than noticeable. For someone with more than 10% body fat, it is going to be hard to see the benefits of this compound.

For an athlete trying to get stronger but not bulk up, Drostanolone Propionate can be the best solution. An athlete using it though will need to be on a strict diet and stay within a given weight range. This is the only way for them to see an increase in strength, to have more muscle endurance, and to prevent weight gain.

Drostanolone Propionate is a bulking agent but not one with huge gains. This hormone is going to offer some gains similar to what a person can expect from Primobolan Depot. Neither is very strong even if you take the higher dose of it. Yet the gains can be moderate and they can be suited for someone who just needs some help with the last bit of fat or who needs help with improving strength. It can also be a supplement in a stack of steroids.

There are users who put Drostanolone Propionate in their bulking stack because they want the benefits of losing fat along with the anti -estrogenic properties. This helps them avoid gaining weight and fat during the off season. However, it is very possible to control body fat without it. Most will use high doses of testosterone during the off season, and they can benefit from the anti-estrogenic effects.

Progesterone activity is common with Nandrolone compounds. Adding Dinabol or Anadrol though and the amount of estrogenic activity can skyrocket. Drostanolone Propionate can help reduce it, but don’t count on it to be strong enough to fully combat the estrogenic activity.

Use of Drostanolone Propionate

The dose of Drostanolone Propionate for men is between 300 mg and 400 mg per week. For the best results, it should be an injection of 100 mg every other day. The cycle ranges from 6 to 8 weeks. This isn’t a complete cycle of the enter stack, but the role of Drostanolone Propionate shouldn’t be more than 8 weeks in that cycle.

Women shouldn’t use more than 100 mg broken up over 3 injections per week. However, if virilization symptoms appear it should be decreased and then stopped if they continue. Once those symptoms are present it can be hard to reverse them. Female athletes often fine about 50 mg per week for a range of 4 to 6 weeks is enough for them to benefit from without the harsh side effects.

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