Arimidex ( Anastrozole )

Baboon-Pharma Generic China


Arimidex (Anastrozole) is an aromatase inhibitor, used for Post Cycle Therapy and for treatment of estrogen dependent cancers in women

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Arimidex, known by its chemical name Anastrozole is an aromatase inhibitor. Why should that concern bodybuilders? The aromatase enzyme is responsible for the production of estrogens in the body. By inhibiting it, Arimidex lowers estrogen levels in the body

Here’s why that is important. Many bodybuilders use anabolic steroids to build muscle, lose fat and improve athletic performance. What most anabolic steroid users may not know is that they increase estrogen levels in the body, exposing your body to serious side effects.

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That is where Arimidex enters the picture. By inhibiting the aromatase enzyme and slowing the production of estrogen, this drug helps prevent gynecomastia. That’s because estrogen is to the breast tissue as gasoline is to your car. The latter needs the former to function.

Keep in mind that the benefits of Arimidex aren’t limited to preventing gynecomastia. This drug may also prevent infertility, erectile dysfunction, and depression in the male population. All of these are the side effects of the anabolic steroid cycles.

Prevents Gynecomastia
Might Treat Erectile Dysfunction
Might Treat Male Infertility

Side Effects
Hot Flashes
Allergic Reaction (In Rare Cases)
Remember that most of these side effects tend to be mild, as long as you stick to the recommended dosage (more on this below).

Also, if you’re looking for an alternative to anabolic steroids, one that could boost your body’s natural testosterone production, check out our guide on selective androgen receptor modulators.

Why Do Bodybuilders Use Arimidex?

Bodybuilders use Arimidex as a Post Cycle Therapy because it inhibits the production of estrogen. This hormone has many vital functions in the body, both male and female. But its elevated levels in men’s system lead to gynecomastia, or breast growth. That’s what Arimidex helps prevent.

Arimidex does that by reducing estrogen production in the body. This, in turn, lowers the supply of the female hormone to the breast tissue. With the incoming supply of fuel (estrogen) that it needs to grow depleted, the ability of the breast tissue to expand nosedives.

Arimidex Benefits for Men
One of the major benefits of Arimidex is that it might help or treat gynecomastia. However, its utility doesn’t end there. This aromatase inhibitor has also shown promise in treating erectile dysfunction, infertility and depression among the male population.

Here are the major benefits you may expect from Arimidex:

Prevents Gynecomastia
According to an estimate, gynecomastia is one of the most common male breast disorders. Up to 70% of boys and men develop ‘man boobs’ in early to mid-puberty. Most of them develop gynecomastia due to regular hormone changes. Some, however, get it due to anabolic steroids use.

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Regardless of the cause, Arimidex helps prevent this condition. It does that by slowing down the production of the fuel (estrogen) that breast tissues need to grow. In doing so, this drug helps treat a ‘problem’ that has been nagging bodybuilders for ages.

Might Treat Infertility
Peer reviewed studies have shown that high estrogen levels might cause infertility in males. When your estrogen levels are high, they may cause sperm levels to drop. The resulting reduction in sperm count might lead to infertility. Estrogen control is thus necessary

The good news is that Arimidex, originally developed as breast cancer treatment, has shown promise in getting male fertility back on track. It does that by a) inhibiting aromatase and b) by slowing the conversion of testosterone into estrogen. This helps Arimidex improve sperm production in males.

Might Treat Erectile Dysfunction
For bodybuilders who are suffering from erectile dysfunction, they aren’t facing this problem because they’re lifting weights. Instead, it’s their usage of anabolic steroids and similar unsafe drugs that might have hurt their ability to achieve and retain an erection firm enough for sex.

One study has shown that Arimidex Anastrozole might improve sexual dysfunction in men. Carried out on male subjects facing sexual issues with hypogonadism and epilepsy, the study found that 3-month treatment with Arimidex normalized sexual function in 72 per cent of the participants.

If you were to combine Arimidex PCT treatment with penis pumps like the Bathmate, you could drastically improve your erectile dysfunction within just a month (or even shorter, depending on the severity of your condition).

Arimidex Dosage & Cycles

Having looked at what Arimidex is, why bodybuilders use this aromatase inhibitor and the benefits it could offer to the general male population, it’s time we turn our attention to the most crucial question: how much Arimidex should you be taking on a daily basis?

Users indicate that you should aim for 0.5 to 1mg Arimidex or Arimistane per day. That is extremely easy given that this drug is mostly available in 1 mg tablets. If you feel that the recommended dosage is too much for you, you can take Arimidex every other day.

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Since you’d be using it to prevent gynecomastia, make sure you continue your Arimidex cycle in tandem with your anabolic steroid cycle. That isn’t to say that you should start both cycles at the same time. In fact, users suggest starting your Arimidex cycle when you’re already two weeks into the steroid cycle.

Doing this will provide you with two benefits. The fact that you’re already on the steroid/supplement cycle by the time you start taking Arimidex will help you avoid this drug’s symptoms. At the same time, it will allow Arimidex to deliver the intended results.

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